Graffiti is something that is not considered a good thing amongst many people. This is because many people believe that graffiti makes a city appear dirty and create a bad reputation. However, if it is used creatively graffiti can make a city very much beautiful. Street art is something that is not legal in many countries, however, people still do it and watchers gather around to admire the amazing paintings. There are some places in the world where graffiti or street art is absolutely wonderful. Some of these places are as follows:
1. Mexico City
Mexico City is an amazing place especially if you are a person who enjoys street art. Recently, the city became even more colorful after the event “All City Canvas” was held there. This competition was legal and that is why amazing artists from around the city were able to take part in this competition. The paintings that one can see in Mexico City are wonderful in every way.
2. London
London is a city of which people dream of visiting but watching street art in the city is not a reason. However, London is home to some amazing graffiti and murals, one of the most beautiful ones that were recently revealed is the giant blue rooster.
3. Prague
In at number 3 is Prague, it is a city that is fully splashed with street art. Graffiti is encouraged in Prague and that is why you can see a lot of it in the city. If you are a person who loves street art then you will certainly love the streets of Prague. Some of the best works that I find amazing in Prague are those of TRON, EPOS 257, SKARF and more.
4. Lisbon
The city of Lisbon highly endorses street art, this is very clear as the city came together to create the “Crono Project”. In this competition, many different artists were selected to paint the most amazing of pictures and they were certainly able to do so.
5. Lodz
Lodz is a city in Poland where street art is highly appreciated, graffiti in this city can be as large as 10 stories tall. The streets are full of different murals and paintings and it really adds a lot to the overall beauty of the city. The two famous artists who have created most of the artwork in Lodz are Przemyslaw Biejzyk and Mateusz Gapski.
6. New York City
New York City is a city of which people dream of visiting but most people do not know that New York City is very popular for its street art. However, New York City is home to some amazing graffiti and murals, one of the most popular artists in New York City is Buff Monster.
7. Valparaiso
Valparaiso is a city in Chile that is a paradise for those who love street art. The city is full amazing street art and paintings but the most popular places in Valparaiso are those of Cerro Alegre and Cerro Concepcion. The art in these areas is special because it has a modern touch to it, which is enjoyed by all.
8. Paris
Paris is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities of the world, but one thing that many people do not know is that the city is home to a lot of street art. There are many things to see in Paris and street art is certainly one of them.
9. Melbourne
Melbourne is a city in Australia that is a paradise for those who love street art. The city is full amazing street art and paintings, street art in Melbourne become highly popular during the 1970s and 80s. Since then the city has been through a graffiti revolution.
10. Berlin
Berlin is a city of which people dream of visiting, it is a city which is also very much popular for its street art. However, Berlin is home to some amazing graffiti and murals.
These were the 10 places to visit for amazing street art, these places are certainly the best places where you can see the most amazing street art. Graffiti is an amazing art and it can certainly change the way a city looks.