Michael ‘Iz the Wiz’ is one of the significant graffiti legend writers who are very famous all over the world. Graffiti art is one of the ancient arts that has survived well for ages. The evolution and the growth of Graffiti art started from the renowned Roman as well as the Egyptian civilizations.
This art is very much related to the concept of hip-hop culture and is often termed as one of the important media to communicate one’s feelings.
‘Iz’ represented a renowned breed of obsessed writers who are primarily focused on ensuring that the writing is well balanced between the quantity and the quality.
Exemplary Works Of Michael, ‘Iz The Wiz’
Some of the notable words of ‘Iz the Wiz’ include ‘The Master Blasters’, ‘Rolling Thunder Writers’, ‘The Public Animals’. The highlight of his extensive collection of Graffiti art is that he wrote graffiti on each and very train line in New York City which helped him gain a lot of fans all over the world.
His works are so peculiar, unique and meaningful to a great extent which made him legendary when it comes to Graffiti art. Graffiti was a very new dimension to the field when people were introduced with the works of Michael, ‘Iz The Wiz’. The primary purpose of Graffiti art is to convey meaningful things through expression.
Many people began to use this medium to express thoughts, feelings through the art which often became popular among the crowd.
Iz The Wiz, specialized in the practice of tagging the A-line subway that made him popular all over the world. It is to be noted that he painted around 100 throw-ups each night by following the technique of tagging.
‘Iz, The Wiz’ is a huge legend among the Graffiti artists and was considered as a start in New York City.
One of the famous quote lines that showcase his exemplary contributions to the Graffiti art is ‘Take any movie that is shot in New York from the 1970s or the 1980s, it is sure that you would find an Iz tag”.
The Features Of Modern Graffiti Art
The modern form of Graffiti art is more linked and inclined to the sides of the hip-hop culture. You can find more of the Graffiti art as you walk through the streets of New York. As you walk, you can find the different graffiti tributes which would be a great sight to watch.
Example: Sis Loves Me
Digital art has always had its place in the heart of graffiti artists. It stays the same for Sis Loves Me – a project that launched back in 2016 and features taboo fantasy of step siblings porn. While it might sound awkward you would be shocked how big audience it managed to gather during the years. In 2019 it still continues to operate and offer weekly updates of these silly step sis being bullied by their step brothers!
The modern part of Graffiti art is primarily used as a mode of personal expression and advertising. Some of the various types of Graffiti art includes tagging, piece, throw up, blockbuster, sticker, heaven, stencil, etc. All these forms of Graffiti have significant features which express so many things and situations to people.
Some of the prominent ideas that can be implemented to exhibit Graffiti art includes painting your ideas and expressing them at the back of the house with the gradients of yellow and red. The other common idea is termed as ‘My Precious’ which involved aren’t on any wall and often involved Gollum of the Lord of the rings. It is very important to inspire from the Graffiti art that is exhibited by the legendary ‘Iz The Wiz’ and try to gain insights on the various aspects of Graffiti art.